Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A few days ago, B* sent me a cryptic email asking whether I could receive UPS deliveries. When I told her I could, she sent me a shipment confirmation that an item would arrive today.

As I climbed the stairs to my house I saw a box that was practically as tall as me! I was mostly excited... and a little scared, knowing B*s occasionally twisted sense of humor. I pulled the box inside, half expecting her to pop out of it... when lo and behold... I found this lovely little lady:

I had been pining for a dress form for months!
Isn't she great???

I have named her Esmeralda and she will be modeling all things Sparkletree from now on! Today, she's modeling a (reserved) child's scarf.

So, a million thanks to B* and warm welcome to Esmeralda!


1 comment:

emily august said...