Monday, March 31, 2008


I am exhausted. I don't know why, but the last few days, I'm feeling awfully run down. Not sick... just incredibly tired. Not fun at all. Aside from my paper making extravaganza, I didn't really do any crafts this weekend. Though I did crochet a bit at the show I went to on Saturday night. I got some pretty interesting looks.

Yeah... I live on the edge.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Holy crap - I made my own paper!

I'm so excited.

Enjoy the slide show below!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

On edge...

So... I'm a little edgy this week.
I guess its the exams. I bombed one on Monday and I have another tonight. My stomach actually dropped as I was typing that. I really hate tests. Such pressure. Such a do-or-die feeling.

So, yes, I've been a little satanic. I have zero patience. I have not actually spoken to any human beings outside of my job or the BF this week. I suppose that I become a little bit of a hermit crab when I'm working through something. This is ok with me because hermit crabs, of course, are awesome. All crabs are awesome.

Ok, back on planet earth... I put an Alchemy bid on Etsy to do a purse. It's my first bid ever, which was a little harrowing. It was nice to break the ice though. I hope to do more bids in the future.

I have other things to talk about but now is not the time.

I'll be back later most likely.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I picked up a Myspace for mySparkletree.
So, if you have one, please add us as a friend because we're a little lonely.

I have pics of pocketbooks, jewelry and even some photography that I'm particularly proud of. And of course, Poochie is there.

I'm deleting my personal one. It's dumb. I never check it.

Anyhoo... things have been very busy in the house of Sparkletree. It's mid-term week at school and I'm also running around planning my... "upcoming party."

I have some ideas for rings that I need to get cracking on. And I'm expecting my paper making kit sometime in the next couple of days. Yes, paper making kit. I'm going to make paper. Because I'm insane.

I'm starting to get that nervous feeling... the not-enough-hours-in-the-day feeling. It's good. Don't get me wrong... it means that I'm inspired. I just wish I didn't have silly little distractions like work and school and bills and housework to worry about.


Monday, March 17, 2008

New items and Clearance!

P to the S... I uploaded my new shrinky-dink jewelry here!

Tree of Life Art earrings.

Cherry Blossom Art earrings.

Sparklecat Art necklace

And I'm having a clearance sale - 30% off of a bunch of other earrings.

Ch-ch-check it.

P to the P to the S... as always, mention this blog and receive 10% off of any order.

PSA and other things.

So, apparently I'm a little late to the party here... but in case YOU live under the rock next to mine, Go to Pandora Radio.

Nikkol was kind enough to steer me in their direction and I can't thank her enough. I'm always looking for new music because I get sick of things pretty quickly. Also, my musical taste is a little cyclical. I go from country phases to Motown phases to crunchy rock phases and so on and so forth. I am VERY excited about this.

So this weekend was very fun. While my lovely BeeF was at rock and roll camp, I filled my schedul to the brim. On Saturday, I went to Hoboken to meet up with some members of EtsyNJ. It was nice to put faces with names and to spend some time with some other craft-minded folk. I think I get so lost in my own crafty head sometimes. It's good to know I'm not alone.

Saturday night, I got together with some ladyfriends for wine and stories. My cheeks still hurt from laughing. Sunday... well, Sunday is when I lost my mind.

I bought some shrinkable plastic (er... shrinky dinks) and went ka-razy with it. I have three new pairs of earrings and several necklaces to post. I'm particularly excited about the earrings. I'll try to get pics up later today.


PS - Seriously go to Pandora. I've fallen in love with a few new songs already.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Yesterday, I unearthed the Badge-a-Minit that I purchased last year. I had no success with it on the first try so I stuffed it in a drawer. I don't know what prompted me to pick it up again, but I'm glad I did. I've been turning little doodles into wearable buttons.

I'm not sure if I'm going to list them or not. I figure I'll give them a test drive. What do you think? Here are a few. The rest can be seen on my Flickr.



More trees:

Even a Hey Tiger button:

It was really warm out this afternoon, so I took the dog for a nice, long walk. On a little side street around the corner from my house, I passed this:

A hand-sewn, gingham checked, ripped heart in the gutter. "Simplify."
It's now the desktop background on my computer. If it wasn't so soggy and dirty, I would have taken it home.

I bought some shrinky-dinks at the craft store today. I'm debating whether or not to bust them out. I have lots of ideas. But its midnight. Hmmmm...

The BF in Texas this weekend, playing his rock and roll. I miss him. The boys and I are holding down the fort though. Poochie's already passed out from all the partying.


PS - Has anyone seen the commercials for the "Horton Hears a Who" menu at iHop?
Incredibly disturbing.

Monday, March 10, 2008


So... tonight... walking from class to my car... I had kind of a strange confrontation. I passed two individuals talking in the atrium of my college building. They stopped their conversation as I passed and then hurriedly followed me out the door.
I hastened my pace a bit.
So did they.

"Excuse me... I'm sorry to bother you... can I just ask you a quick question?"

I turned around and slowed my pace slightly. I figured that a.) They were other Psychology students conducting a survey, which is common in that particular hall... or b.) They didn't know where the student center or some other campus building was.
I stopped.

"Have you ever heard of God the Mother and the bible?"

Now, the first time I heard this, I was in the mall several weeks ago. The pair caught me off guard. "God the what?" slipped out of my mouth before I ultimately threw up my hand and said "No thanks. I'm good" as I walked away.

I consider myself an open minded and tolerant person. While I not particularly religious, I come from a fairly religious family and have friends in varying degrees of devoutness to their respective faiths. I respect religion as an institution as well as our individual rights to practice as we please.

I also understand that in some faiths, it is customary for the young adult members to spread the word to their greater community as rite of passage into adulthood.

That being said, I guess I just wanted to voice my concern about the manner in which I was approached twice in several weeks time. Both times I was walking alone. Both times were at night and both times I was approached by a pair of people. Maybe it's my own paranoia and anxiety, but I found it to be a little aggressive and somewhat intimidating.

I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced a similar scenario and what your thoughts were. Also, does anyone know what group these people are a part of? My internet searches didn't give me much info.

Again, I am not knocking the religion or their beliefs, I simply found their recruitment tactics to be a bit uncomfortable.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Because I'm a narcissist, I occasionally search the internets for my name. Today's Flickr search of same was actually quite fruitful.

It led me to this lovely little treasure:

I will be purchasing her cd today.

Poochi Poochie La La La La

Poochie's being a good little helper monkey today.
And when I say helping, I mean not crapping all over the floor.

Poochie is a bit of a neurotic little mutt. I had to take him to the vet last week because he suffers from such severe separation anxiety and because I'm 3 inches from suffering a nervous breakdown from coming home to a poopy peepy kitchen every day. The vet put him on Prozac.

So far, no progress... but I suppose like people Prozac, it will take several weeks for it to kick in. As angry as the mess and the barking and whining makes me, I feel so bad for this little guy. I know what is like to be in a panic. I know how it feels to be scared. I really hope this works because he is such a pea when he's not destroying things.

I'll leave you with a picture of my dinner from 12:45 am.

Grilled-to-tha-mutha-lovin-Cheese, son. It's been way too long.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

As promised...

First... the two pairs of decoupaged earrings I'm working on.
The black ones are done. I'm not sure about the cherry blossom ones.

And now some entertaining shots of the inside of my brain... here's what my journal looks like:

The cover.

What tomorrow brings...


When I was a lonely girl.

He gave me a flower.

Lyrics to Atmosphere.

I remember this.

I like to do Drawerings.

Self explanatory.

Blah blah blah.


I totally forgot that I bought a slot in the Showcase today on Etsy.
I got some hearts and a bunch of views on the featured items. I even made a sale on a pair of earrings. Hooray!

I applied for the Craftacular the other day. So, if you have any spare karma, please sent it my way. It would be such a huge honor to be a part of it. Regardless of whether or not I get in, my butt will be there. I can't wait!

I'm working on some new earrings tonight. I got two pairs of earrings on sale at Target last year which I've been meaning to decoupage. I just remembered today... so that's my current project. I'll upload some pics later. They're different from my other stuff. Kind of an experiment. We'll see what happens.

I also took pics of my journals... I'll have to upload those too.

PS - I have some giant news... but I'm gonna wait a little longer to spill.

Bags bags bags...

Anyone a Mr. Show fan?
Bag hutch?
Took a while to load, but that's one of my favorites.

Ok, so I'm in the process of finishing up my newest bag. I'm hoping to have pics up by the end of the week. Woot. I also need to make a new batch of bubble rings and decoupage some earrings.
Since I don't have band rehearsal tonight, I think I'm gonna get cracking on those things. Sounds like fun.

Last night, I busted out my journal... which I barely even touch anymore. I'm trying to keep it with me again. Hoping for some inspiration. I'll have to take some pictures of it. My journals, if I do say so myself, are pretty fly. I collage them and draw in them. They're really fun. Fully of crazy rambling, but the look cool. Kind of like me. Pfffff.

I need to start exercising more regularly. I say this all the time but I really need to stick to it. I think my main problem is that I let myself sleep in really late. I need to really commit to waking up early each morning and making the most of the day. This means I should probably have a bed-time before 3am.

Ok. Stop whining.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I have a lot of things to write about... but I'm heading out the door.
Just want to say that I got a new tattoo yesterday from a guy named Lucky while I was wearing my brand new (real) 4-leaf clover necklace from zkitten's Etsy shop.

I'm beaming because I really am a lucky gal.

More later.